About Kelly Specialty Group

Kelly Specialty Group is a professional team of forward-thinkers and innovators with a desire to change the way companies offer health benefits. Previously we founded Nexben, a revolutionary technology company that is the industry leader in ICHRA administration and payment solutions. Our previous work has put us ahead of the curve, and this is no different. What we’ve found is that we have a desire to help companies. Having started many of our own, we understand what companies go through daily. We want to have a profound impact on the world and lead the way into a new market that can transform the way companies offer health benefits.

With over 30+ years of experience, we are industry experts in healthcare. Paving a new path is not always easy, but as a group that meets with government, insurance carriers, insurance marketplaces, and companies of all sizes, we are in the best position to lead the way to change the health benefits landscape entirely.

KSG is selective in who we work with. If you think your company would be a good fit, please schedule a call with us.